This October, a paper related to Cleantex project written by Leitat has been published by “Revista Calidad” scientist magazine. The publication highlights the achievements got by the Cleantex project consortium during last months.
Revista Calidad is considered the magazine leader on professionals in quality and management and it counts with technical content, best practices, trends and guidance from the universe of the members of the Spanish Association for Quality (AEC).
It is therefore, a reference publication edited by AEC, and it can be found in the second edition of the year 2022, which is dedicated to Climate Change.
The publication is entittled: “CLEANTEX Y CIRCULARTECH”, dos iniciativas para impulsar la economía circular en el sector textil (CLEANTEX & CIRCULARTECH, two initiatives to boost the circular economy in the textile sector).
Specificly, the paper highlights the main goals of the partnership focusing on the educational and virtual tools creation, and the immediate benefit that the training of the textile sector stakeholders and particuarly, the students who want to learn about the possibilities to create a textile sector more sustainable will obtain.
The paper also highlights the efforts of the Project to upskilling of the textile industry (students and companies) towards the green transition favouring the uptake of skills in sustainability, circular economy, and eco-design.