The CLEANTEX Summer School was successfully held in Ljubljana from July 4–8, 2022, under the auspices of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design.

Twenty-two students and nine mentors from Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania; l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles – ENSAIT, France; and the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, actively participated in the summer school hackathon with the aim of integrating circular economy and eco-design strategies into the new production process of a virtual textile company. The students, who worked in five groups, engaged with a range of tools and learning methods developed as a part of the bootcamp programme. 

Students during the Hackathon activites

To support the students’ activities, the CLEANTEX MOOC platform was available with 21 learning units on circular economy and eco-design in textiles. Furthermore, and in order to endorse the learning experience with dynamism and transversality, visits to the textile company TEKSTINA d.o.o. and AquafilSLO fishing net warehouse in Ajdovščina, and AquafilSLO company in Ljubljana were organised. The e-book with real examples of implementation of LCA and eco-design in textile companies was also provided.

Students during the visit to Slovenian companies

At the end of the summer school, students presented their best sustainable ideas and conceptual prototypes as pitches. They received certificates for successful participation in the CLEANTEX Summer School, which was confirmed by the Senate of the Faculty of natural Sciences and Engineering of the University of Ljubljana, and awarded with 4 ECTS credits.